Thursday, 10 May 2012


Jacket, H&M / Shirt, VOLCOM / Skirt, H&M [DIY Dye] / Purse, VINTAGE / Boots, Dr Martens

Oh hey...

I've been doing a lot of DIY lately. This skirt is one of the most recent things I've done. It was a lot more labor intensive then I had originally planned. Did you know bleaching doesn't always turn the fabric white? Sometimes, it goes pink. This skirt was originally a blueish grey. After sitting in a bleach bath for what turned out to be a whole afternoon, it was pink. Make sense? Not to me but now I know. Lesson learned. Unless it's denim, be wary. My plan was to bleach it white, then dip dye to this red. Being pink, I mixed up my batch of dye on the stove, stuck the whole skirt into the bath and then took a hanger and left half the skirt in the bath for the remaining 18mins. Well, my fade didn't turn out. SO I then had to put the lighter side of the skirt BACK into a bleach bath to get a more prominent fade. One week and bottle of bleach later I have (more-or-less) what I was hoping for!

1. I got a new bike. I couldn't be happier. Buh-bye bus pass.
2. I made myself a black maxi skirt I can actually walk in.
3. I got the other side of my nose pierced.
4. I shamelessly read White Girl Problems by Babe Walker. Hilarious. Say what you want.
5. I found a whole chicken in my freezer and roasted it with the fire alarm only going on off twice. AND it was still edible. And delicious I might add.
6. I can't get enough of this site. And this one too.

These ladies are my new summertime favorite...

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